27 – Tao Te Ching

The one good at walking will not leave any trace;

The one good at speaking will not make a slip of the tongue;

The one good at counting will not need a calculator;

The one good at watching the door will not need a bolt;

The one good at making a knot will not need extra rope.

Thus cultivators:

Always help others, so no one is abandoned.

Always take care of things, so nothing is left behind.

This is called inner-wisdom.

So a good person is the bad person's teacher;

A bad person is the good person's lesson.

If the teacher is not valued,

Or the lesson is not learned,

One is indeed lost, despite being smart.

This is the profound truth.

Translated by Chiyan Wang

Edited by Robert Smitheram Ph.D

A co-cultivator and spiritual partner team