Chiyan Wang has been interviewed by various newspaper and magazines, but she hardly ever did any commercial Advertisement for Taoist Light Qigong promotion. Her word-of -mouth clients were from all over the world. We highly recommend you to be trained with an authentic, powerful and personalized Qigong style.
Testimony by Kenneth Pai 白先勇教授, a renowned writer and professor-emeritas of UCSB
It was two years ago in Autumn that I suddenly began suffering from Positional Vertigo,and experienced difficulty with my sense of balance. Western Medicine could do nothing for me and I was quite distressed about the situation. Fortunately, I came upon a rescuer, as my colleague, Prof. Robert. S introduced me to Chiyan Wang, a Qigong (Chi Kung) teacher from China. When I first met her, Chiyan appeared to me to be an attractive and intelligent college student, I had no idea that she was an experienced teacher of Taoist Light Qigong who had been learning the art for many years. That afternoon, I had a truly remarkable experience when Chiyan came to my house to give me the first Qigong treatment, we each sat on a chair with a distance about six feet between us, and when Chiyan began the Qigong treatment. I suddenly felt a suction like force on my back and my body involuntarily leaned backwards to about a 45 degree angle, then just as suddenly, there was a pushing force that sent my body bending forwards. During this drawing back and pushing forwards, I felt Qi-energy inside my body slowly raise to my neck; at first it felt a little cool, and later it became warmer. The whole process took about half an hour. I have always had a strong interest in this ancient practice for good health known as Qigong, now indeed I had a personal experience of it. Chiyan gave me a total of six treatments, and at the same time taught me the Taoist Light Qigong, after practiced Qigong for more than two weeks, my Positional Vertigo disappeared. From that time onwards, I have continued to practice and have become a devoted follower of Taoist Light Qigong.
Chiyan wan born in Xi'an in Shaanxi province of China, and is a graduate of Nanjing University. Because her parents were distinguished Qigong masters, from very early on, Chiyan inherited a family tradition in this area and at the age of 14 began to learn Qigong by becoming a student of the present Master of Taoist Light Qigong, Master Zhou Shitai. The full name of this tradition is : “Tao Te -Sun Light Qigong”, and it has been passed on from generation to generation for a very long time. Through Master Zhou's unremitting efforts to promote Taoist Light Qigong, it is now has become the most popular forms of Qigong healing on the Chinese mainland today. Its basic principle is that “ The Tao follows the naturalness.” In that there are no especial requirements as to the time and place of practice, nor the state mind of the practitioner. The entire practice takes about an hour to complete and is very easy to learn. By one's own practice, the practitioner will be able to attain a natural balance of Qi-energy circulation within the body, thereby maintain a healthy condition.
Under the guidance of Master Zhou, Chiyan Wang studied hard year after year and made a great achievement. In 1992, she came to the United States and settled in Santa Barbara where she began to teach Taoist Light Qigong. Thousands of people have learned this method of Qi practice from her and the number who have benefited are large indeed. At present, many people in mainland China and Taiwan are studying the significance of Qigong for modern medicine, and I believe that in the not too distant future there will appear an explanation for the various effects of Qigong on the human body which is consistent with modern medical science. And for myself, since I started learning Qigong from Chiyan Wang and continuing up to today, I have indeed experienced a clear and obvious improvement in my state of health. Particularly, by taking Chiyan's treatment, I have fully recovered from my right shoulder pain which I had suffered for many years. It seems that Qigong treatment is especially effective in healing chronic illnesses such as arthritis and rheumatism. I have encouraged my colleagues as well as friends from such distant places as Taiwan, Sweden, New York, Texas etc. to visit Chiyan and learn Taoist Light Qigong, and most of them have been able to maintain their practice to a very good effect. Thank Chiyan for imparting this practice of Taoist Light Qigong.
Lao Tzu - The founder of Taoism
Picture taken in Lou Guan Taoist Temple in Xi'an, China
Testimony by Paul S. Yen, Los Angeles
This is my testimony of how Chiyan Wang and Qigong have benefited my life. I am an attorney at law living in Los Angeles. One day, my mother told me that she would be coming from Texas to take Qigong classes in Santa Barbara in order to improve her health. She asked me if I would be interested in taking classes with her. At first I was not very interested. I knew very little about Qigong at the time. However, when my mother told me that her friend had lost weight after starting the exercises, I decided to give it a try.Over the past two years, I have put on considerable weight. And my weight just seemed to keep increasing. I constantly felt bloated too.
Aside from my weight gain, I believe that my health was Ok. I really had not put too much thought into it. When Chiyan started teaching me the Qigong exercises, the first movement I exhibited was violent shaking of my left leg. She asked me if I had any leg injuries. I had forgotten that I had torn my left knee ligament while playing sports. Then my back began to arch. Chiyan told me that this was a common movement for those who had kidney problems. And indeed, two years ago I had a problem with kidney stones. Chiyan told me that the arching was an act in which my kidney was healing itself.
After practicing Qigong, I have lost over 15 pounds in the first two months. Four months later, I lost another 10 pounds. By that time, I had dropped down to the ideal weight for my height and frame. Since then, I have been able to maintain this weight through the practice of Qigong. Moreover, I have much more energy than I had before. The range and extension that I have on my knees have increased. After my knee surgery, my doctor had told me that I was likely to develop arthritis when I grew older. Now my repaired knee seems nearly as strong as my good knee.
I feel that Qigong has helped me mentally as well as physically. I think that I am more relaxed, and as such I get less “stressed out” from work. This allows me to concentrate better and solve problems faster. And, with my improved mental and physical performance, I have a much more positive and confident outlook on life.
My friends have often asked me how I am able to stay so disciplined in practicing Qigong everyday. I respond by telling them that it is really not all that difficult: practicing Qigong ( Taoist Light Qigong) is very easy and feels really good. Because this simple exercise feels relaxing and has so many positive benefits, it is vary easy for me to continue practicing.
I highly recommend Chiyan Wang and Taoist Light Qigong for everyone.
Lou Guan Taoist Temple
“A moment in her presence elicits feelings of nurturing calm. In her practice, Wang removes blockage of Qi without even touching her clients.”
— The Independent
“Our third (session) ... was extraordinary. After that session, the emotional trauma associated with my injury began to sort itself out.”
— Santa Barbara Magazine
“One of my favorite colleagues, Chiyan Wang, is originally from Xian, China, and currently lives in Santa Barbara, California. She is an excellent Qigong teacher and transmission healer. Among her skills is the method of sitting in a chair just a few feet from her clients and transmitting Qi to effect healing through focused intention.”
— Roger Jahnke, O.M.D
Author, The Healing Promise of Qi
“Having heard positive things about Santa Barbara QiGong practitioner Chiyan Wang, Alice Williams was curious if it would help her. Much to her joy the numbness in her hands and wrists was enormously decreased after just one treatment.”
— The Independent
“In August 1998 I had the opportunity to participate in the QiGong workshop led by Chiyan, which was held in a very secluded place outside of Santa Barbara, California. Its naturalness and spontaneity (without predetermined exercises) impressed me tremendously. This way of practicing QiGong is not only working on the body but healing the emotional and psychological wounds as well. Chiyan herself as the leader is very spontaneous and naturally flowing with the energy that comes up at the moment. Her practice of this type of QiGong is quite compatible to Insight Practice (Vipassana Meditation).”
— Love, light, and peace,
Buddhist Meditation Master
New York Times Bestseller Author,
The Way of Non-Attachment
“Chiyan is real. She comes from an ancient lineage of QiGong masters, and her teaching style is warm, dynamic, spontaneous, and a lot of fun.”
— Dr. Jim Dreaver
Author, The Way of Harmony
“I want to thank you, Chiyan, for this Qigong practice. I am happier doing this than any other practice I've ever tried. I can feel my spirit and body becoming lighter and happier by the week. Sometimes during my practice, I just laugh and cry happy tears because it feels so joyful. You were so right when you said that this would help. I will never be able to thank you enough for this gift.”
— D. M.
Environmental Analyst
“After suffering 13 years of intense body pain (including 2 fusions and 3 surgeries on my spine). I felt hopeless. But transformation has happened since my first session with Chiyan, the pain incredibly turned into a slight feeling, my energy increased greatly. I feel joyful and hopeful again. In addition to improved health, my emotional well-being has made life with my family so much better. I want to tell everybody who are in pain; there is a way to turn life around.”
— Cynthia Luria
Bank clark
“Chiyan Wang is remarkably gifted in her work with energy. She is an excellent facilitator of shifts in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies of the people she works with. I whole heartedly refer my clients to her for this deep level work.”
— Donna Genera, MFT
"I learned the Taoist Light Qigong practice while going through extreme health challenges. Coming to learn this practice changed the course of my health and my life as a whole. It gave me a fabulous tool that brought peace and healing into my world, where it has continued to spread ever since. It smoothed the pain, rewired my brain and revitalized everything else. There really is nothing that I would recommend more than this empowering practice. It has been priceless and I am forever grateful to have met Chiyan and learned through her wisdom. Blessings and gratitude."
-- B.C. Astrologer
I'm certain that discovering Chiyan Wang and Taoist Light Qigong was an amazing act of destiny. Chiyan is truly a gifted teacher and healer and one of the wisest people I've ever met. Between practicing Qigong regularly and working with Chiyan privately, I have seen a great shift in my health, energy and personal balance. There is a cleansing process that occurs that I will admit can be very challenging at times but the payoff is life changing. I'm happy to say that my blood work is totally normal after three years of seeing high levels of sensitive CRP. I find my sleep is better than ever, my body pain is gone and my energy is consistently higher. After six months of practice, I'm finding that I have dreams and visions that are very insightful and help me to feel connected to the Universal Chi. Taoist Light Qigong is part of my daily routine and will continue to be. I realize that maintaining health and balance is an ongoing process and I'm grateful to Chiyan for sharing her wisdom and leading the way.
- Kristen Hawkes
June 28, 2015
“There is a force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results” -- Gandhi
As a health care practitioner for the last 30 years, I have always been interested in health, not only for myself but for my patients. My education and practice of Homeopathy and flower remedies have led me to understand we are really energetic beings. My exposure to the benefits of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have exposed me to the concept of “chi” or energy circulating through our body. For this reason I have looked for and found a wonderful teacher and form of qigongCalled Taoist Light.
I have been studied and practicing Taoist Light QiGong with Chiyan Wang for close to two years and these are some of the changes that I have observed.
Increased energy
Improved immunity
Quicker recover from injury
Amelioration of pain
More organized thinking
Immediate solution to problems
Life seems to flow more effortlessly
A relaxed sense of allowing
Being in the right place at the right time
Much more synchronicity
“If you want to know the secret of the universe, think of energy frequency and vibration” -- N. Tesla
I believe qigong can be one of the best things one can do as one ages to help. Regenerate the body by eliminating energy blockages both mentally and physically, thereby allowing the free flow of “Chi” which I have come to believe is the real secret behind vitality and vibrant health., and which will be written about in my upcoming new book: The Regeneration Plan.
I highly recommend this easy-to-do type of qigong with Chiyan Wang.
Elisa Lottor, Ph.D. HMD
Author of Female and Forgetful (a Time Warner Publication)
And The Regeneration Plan: A New Paradigm in Aging to be published 2016 by Inner Traditions
“Chiyan is the real deal, an excellent Qigong practitioner and teacher. To try to explain Qigong to people who are unfamiliar with the practice is like telling them that it's like Dr. Strange's superpowers; easily disbelieved and misunderstood. All I can tell you is, without even touching me, she unblocked my Qi which has been stuck from decades of childhood traumas and past physical injuries. I felt my body move involuntarily. It's not as if I was out of control, but more like I was guided - by Qi or if you prefer my body's wisdom. I heard my body make adjustments as if a chiropractor was working on me. My jaws, my neck, my shoulders cracked and popped, re-aligning itself. My body twisted and stretched in ways that were new to me. After a few private sessions, I was able to practice Qigong on my own. Recently, I applied for a life insurance policy and was concern about my premium given my age and medical history. To my surprise, my exam revealed that I grew an inch, weighed less than I declared, and my blood pressure which always bordered on high was normal. I still experience some of my symptoms occasionally when I have lapsed on my Qigong practice. Just like brushing or flossing, best when done on a daily basis. Thank you Chiyan!” - from a new client, written on Nov. 29, 2019
Lou Guan Taoist Temple