The Ultimate Rest Stop
The journey of life can be tedious and stormy at times, especially we constantly use our energy/Qi all the time without even think about it, thus I would like to invite you to think about the concept of Qi and it’s cultivation- Taoist Light Qigong.
Qi/energy is our life force, which keeps us alive, vital and healthy.
When I was a young girl, my father and I hiked on the trails on Zhong Nan mountain in Zhou Zhi county, Shaanxi, where is about two hour drive from Xi’an city, China. Then it started to rain heavily, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Father suggested we went into Lou Guan Tai Taoist Temple for shelter. Lou Guan Tai Temple has been believed in tradition where Lao Tzu composed the famous Tao Te Ching. So 2600 years later after Lao Tzu was there, a Taoist monk came out and smiled at us but without saying a single word. He looked at the dark clouds and started to move his arms to push the dark clouds away… and indeed, the dark clouds were moving to the other direction and a round opening of blue sky reappeared and the threads of golden light from Sun warmly shined upon us.
Over the many adulthood years, I often replay that part of “movie” in my head: how a Taoist monk provided a rest stop for us and helped us to move the over-hovering dark clouds away, so we could regained our energy at Lou Guan Tai Temple and got on our road again.
In June 2019, a few Taoist Light Qigong cultivators revisited Lou Guan Tai Temple, and again in a such raining day where we were walking peacefully in the same Temple and soaked up with Taoist Light life force , then brought it back to Santa Barbara.
I have hoped to create a space for people to come to heal, rest and recharge on their journey of Tao (a natural and peaceful way of life). This Space has been manifested as Taoist Light Wellness…people from different countries and directions come here and carry Taoist Light Qigong practice home.