Mid-Autumn Festival tea-gathering
9/22 ( Saturday) 2-4 pm. Welcome to all.
The Mid-autumn Festival Tune
míng yuè jǐ shí yǒu bǎ jiǔ wèn qīng tiān
明 月 几 时 有?把 酒 问 青 天。
When will the moon be bright and clear?
With a cup in my hand, I ask the deep blue sky.
bù zhī tiān shàng gōng què jīn xī shì hé niān
不 知 天 上 宫 阙,今 夕 是 何 年。
Not knowing what is the time of year
would be tonight in the palace on high.
wǒ yù chéng fēng guī qù yòu kǒng qiòng lòu yù yù gāo chù bú shèng hán
我 欲 乘 风 归 去,又 恐 琼 楼 玉 宇, 高 处 不 胜 寒。
Riding the wind, there I would fly.
Yet I wonder if the jade and crystal mansions would be too high and freezing.
qǐ wǔ nóng qīng yǐng hé sì zài rén jiān
起 舞 弄 清 影,何 似 在 人 间?
Dancing with my shadow, how does it feel in the world?
zhuān zhū gē dī qǐ hù zhào wú mián
转 朱 阁,低 绮 户,照 无 眠。
Turning around the red pavilion, stooping through the gauzed window, the moon shines upon the sleepless.
bù yīng yǒu hèng hé shì cháng xiàng bié shí yuān
不 应 有 恨,何 事 长 向 别 时 圆?
The moon should bear us no ill-will, why is it oft full and bright when people part from each other?
rēn yǒu bēi huān lí hé yuè yǒu yīn qíng yuán quē cǐ shì gǔ nān quān
人 有 悲 欢 离 合, 月 有 阴 晴 圆 缺,此 事 古 难 全。
People may have sorrows and joys, partings and reunions,
as well as the moon is bright or dim, wax and wane. Rare is perfect since the ancient times.
dàn yuàn rén cháng jiǔ qiān lǐ góng chán juān
但 愿 人 长 久,千 里 共 婵 娟。
May we live long and share the beauty of the moon together,
even if we are hundreds of miles apart.
Su Shi was a famous poet in North Song (960-1127). In this poem, the emotions of joy and sadness combine with philosophical thinking reflecting the author’s feeling of complexity and contradiction, as well as passion of life and the optimistic view.