Healer Training/Healing Group Will Launch on Feb.12, 2015
To Participants,
Thank you to those who have the willingness and commitment to take on a deep, complete yet joyous healing journey which will take you to a new wonderment/place you might have never been before.
I feel very honored to have you and welcome you to the healing group.
The class is on the second and fourth Thursdays of the months, from 10:00 am-12:00 Noon, the following is February to May schedule.
- Feb.12
- Feb.26
- Mar.12
- Mar.26
- April 9
- April 23
- May 14
- May 28
Location: 411 E. Canon Perdido Street, Suite 16
Santa Barbara CA 93101
Please get off from Hwy 101 at Garden/Laguna or Carrillo Street. It is the old California State Building and parking is in the rear.
Please bring an open mind as well as a humble heart. I look forward to seeing you on next Thursday, the 12th. We will walk this new healing journey together.