Learn authentic Qigong, feel the real difference!
Welcome to Taoist Light Wellness!
Located in Santa Barbara, California, Taoist Light Wellness is the world’s only center teaching the authentic, lineage-based Taoist Light Qigong. This powerful practice has been passed down through generations by a recognized family lineage holder.
We offer in-person and online training programs, group practices, and healing sessions—all designed to help you unlock the power of energy healing.
What is Taoist Light Qigong?
Taoist Light Qigong is a time-honored Chinese practice that helps you restore health, increase energy, slow down aging, and stay balanced. "Qi" means life force, and "Gong" means cultivation through practice—together, Qigong means energy cultivation. Unlike other forms, Taoist Light Qigong starts by moving your Qi (life force), which then naturally guides your body into healing movements, creating a personalized and spontaneous flow.
This form of "movement meditation" is ideal for anyone looking for a gentle, self-guided way to improve wellness and connect with universal energy.
collecting Qi from the Universe
What is Tao?
Tao is an ancient Chinese philosophy that translates to "The Way" or "The True Path." It emphasizes simplicity and effortlessness. As Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, wisely stated, "The greatest result is achieved without doing." This principle means that your goals can be achieved with ease and without struggle.
If you’re seeking a straightforward yet powerful practice for self-healing, longevity, spiritual awareness, and a fulfilling life, you’ve come to the right place.